The Hood of The Child.
As i get older, i find myself looking back to my childhood, thinking about "The good old days" when life was more simple. The biggest thing i had to worry about then was how fast i could change my sheets so i could watch saturday cartoons. Now i have to worry about Exams, due dates, making ends meet, and not making mistakes....Mistake, there's that powerful word. That word has sent people to jail, ended many lives, ruined goals and projects, brought the savior to his knees. But hasn't making mistakes also saved lives? The mistakes i make now feel ever so more important than the mistakes i've made in the past, but who am i without my mistakes? isn't that the reason why we are here? aren't we supposed to make mistakes and learn from them? Without my mistakes, i for one would not be here in rexburg doing what i need to, to learn more. anyway....where was i going with this? oh yes my childhood.
I had a great childhood, i grow up with 6 sibling and had amazing parent to help me become who i am today. I know not everyone had as good as a childhood that i did but you now reading the blog we are both here we just took different paths.
Recently i learned more about our behaviors and how those behaviors can influence our childhood, like typically girls behaviors are as follows.
Female typical:
Nurturing- how they like to play.
Detail oriented
Relation orientation- better at remembering things as they relate to others.
Relationship- focus.
Emotionally expressive- cries....a lot.
Communication- better at this than men.
Fine motor skills-they develop this much faster than the men.
Now remember, this is just what girls do typically not all girls do this. Here is some typically male behaviors.
Male typical:
Aggressive-not necessarily a bad thing.
Spatial orientation-Better at 3D Tetris.
Myopic-Can only think about one thing at a time.
Gross motor skills-they walk at a younger age than girls.
Risk taking-men are more like to take a risk.
These are not all the typical male and female behaviors but these are some of the ones i can remember.
Now there is some things on the male typical that i would say i'm not like, and there is things on the female typical that i would say i'm more like, but i think part of that reason it's that way is how i grow up. I had four sisters growing up, one is older and three are younger. I think because of this i may of been influenced into picking up some of those female typical things.
Socially this could be a positive thing or a negative thing, for example you could be a girl with many male typical behaviors and others would call her a tomboy. But if you see a boy with some female typical behaviors others would call him negative things like gay/feminine/femi.
I don't exactly know why we do this, it seems like we encourage women to be like men but not vice versa. Why is that?
Now to touch lightly on some sensitive subjects. I believe that there is same sex attraction, that some people do attract to the same sex but i do not believe that there is more genders than female and male.
If you ask someone who is gay they will tell you more often than not that they were born that way. Scientists have tried to understand gay people and have not been able to find any genes that could be responsible. When you look at two identical twins and one is gay there in only a 7%-11% chance the other one is gay as well.
Just some thoughts on some things.
"An enemy flatters but a friend speaks truth" -unknown
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